Tuesday, May 26, 2009

N+O Submission

50 words describing myself for a chance to be an Our Lives columnist for the News + Observer:

At 28, I quit my full-time job to increase my quality of life. I now work part time and produce a cable access tv show and would like to write about the show, how I live on much less income, and how it affects my outlook, goals and career choices.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Obama Addresses Notre Dame. Have the protesters lost their minds?

At May 17th's commencement exercises, president Barack Obama received an honorary degree from Notre Dame and addressed the graduates.

"Let's work together," he declared, "to reduce the number of women seeking abortions by reducing unintended pregnancies, and making adoption more available, and providing care and support for women who carry their child to t--"

"Stop killing our children," yelled one protester in the back of the room. In fact, more than 300 anti-abortion demonstrators were already gathered outside, and pissed. Leading the chants at the school's gate was even "Roe" of Roe v. Wade. Roe happens to actually be anti-abortion now. 27 people were arrested that day.

Come on, folks! Most Republicans I know are sweet, southern and anti-abortion. Where are your manners? Showing up at a private university's party is rude and you know it. No wonder more anti-abortion groups didn't get a save-the-date six weeks ago. Well-mannered folks that I know would never do such a thing. Lest I remind you that etiquette states that you don't crash other people's events with inappropriate comments such as "stop killing our children", only one of at least three hecklers' spouts, unless you have bona fide Turrets syndrome. And even then, your mama or your aunt should take you to cool off in the kitchen.

Do I agree with our president on some of his decisions? Absolutely not. Did the anti-abortion group of protesters show horrible manners, making it impossible for anyone to hear their opinions? Definitely. Maybe next time, if you want the president of anything to hear your thoughts, seek an invitation to be heard, and always make sure your thank you note stationary is appropriate!

And y'all, don't interrupt when someone's talkin in church!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration Photos by Rachel Kincaid

The author of Goodnight Bush stands ready.

Reading Goodnight Bush for a television crew.

Pepsi displayed inspirational messages in all of the train stations.

High security.

Stephen and Rachel of QuixoticStyle.com brave the Washington winter.

Patriotic pooch.
Obama and this couple, BFFs.

"We're like THIS."

How could they?

Construction worker preps the Lincoln Memorial.

Jamaica was one of the countries represented in the crowd.

He's got us covered.

Girl power.

Probably a disgruntled Republican.

A kite and it's maker cross the street after having flown all day on Monday.

Desperate measures in 23 degree weather. A group cozies under a space blanket.

Photos by Rachel Kincaid of QuixoticStyle.com, Raleigh, NC.